Some Languages are Just Not Good Enough
If we look at the languages spoken in the world today, we notice very wide differences in the use to which they are put. The differences in the range of roles that languages play frequently lead some people to believe that some languages which do not fulfil a wide range of funcitions are in fact incapable of doing so. In the viw of some people, some languages are just nog good enough.
Why are some languages not good enough?
Sometimes, it is features of the structure of a language which are picked on as the reason why another language is to be preferred for a particular function. Another argument why some languages are not good enough is that 'X is not good enough because you can't discuss nuclear phusics in it'. Some think a language is not good enough because it is ugly or when a language isn't used by a lot of people.
But all languages can be used to communicate.
I think finding a language not good enough is very subjective. Because the language can be good enough for other people because they can use it.
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