What is language?
He who does not know foreign languages does not know anything about his own. ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Kunst and Alterthum
This quote appeals to me, because I understand it very easily. Languages are not just made up. They come from different languages and it will eventually, slowly create a new language.
Language is the dress of thought. ~Samuel Johnson
I think what Samuel means is that language helps us express how we are feeling. The way we use our words and phrases helps us say what we think or how we feel about something.
My definition of language:
Language is something that helps us humans communicate with the rest of the world. We use language to speak with, to write, to text and to think. We don't only use language while speaking, but also while writing, dreaming and thinking. Everywhere you go you see or hear a language. It is used in everything and for everything.
Learning a language
I think you can definitely learn a language.
You learn a language from when you are a baby. You are surrounded by people who speak the language and you pick up words and eventually you speak the same language as them. When you learn a new language you can look for books or courses where you can learn the language. You can also watch movies and series in that language. You can learn a new language best when you revise the new vocabulary.
When you acquire a language you use the language in conversation without thinking about the sentences you are saying. When you learn a language you use the rules from grammar and pronounciation.
I think it is possible to learn to be creative, because you can teach someone to use their imagination. When they use their imagination they can think of new ideas and ways to use something and create something new or special with it. Some people may have more talent in being creative than others, but everyone can increase their creativity. It's like getting better at singing or dancing. You have to work hard in order to get better at it. Sometimes people are too focused on their lack of creativity that they think they will never be able to make something 'creative', but most of the time they just need a bit of inspiration. I think they can also learn from others. People who are naturally creative can help someone by telling them where they get their inspiration and ideas from. They can stimulate the other's creative thoughts.
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